What is Domain Registration?
A domain registrar, sometimes called a DNS registrar (short for domain name server), is a business that sells domain names and handles the business of registering them. Domain names are the main address a website uses on the web-they’re the thing that usually starts with www and most often ends with .com. Domain name registration is necessary for a website, an email or another web service. However you don't have to always register a new domain name. Many companies allow you to use sub domains of their domain names for a website, or you can have an email with their primary domain (ex. yahoo.com, gmail.com).
A custom domain such as “www.mybusiness.com” is easier to remember than a generic, cobranded domain such as “www.google.your business.com’’.
Having your own domain name will increase your website’s positioning under search results on top search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Keep your domain name for as long as your business is online. No one else can use your domain as long as you pay the host that set it up.
Save time and money:
When your buyers want to reach out for you or when you need to contact someone. Also you can get a domain for a low cost, no worries. It is a smart move for your online future.
Prospective customers will more readily transact with businesses with a professional, established online presence – made possible with a personalized domain.
Google searches can be heavily influenced by a user’s geographical location, so if you appeal to regional customers, take advantage of country extensions on your e.g. “www.mybusiness.com’’
Once you acquire a domain, your email addresses will appear as “info@mybusiness.com” for example. Like we mentioned in our last post, custom email address go a long way in maintaining professional communications with your customers.
Customized domains:
Will give you a truly online presence and it will establish your business as a brand.
You will have the opportunity to acquire multiple domains with different suffixes (i.e. .org, .net, .me, .co) and associate all of them with your biz.
Easy-to-Remember Domain Names:
A good domain name will be easy to remember, making your website easy to find. It’s not easy to find short memorable domain names anymore, since over 128 million .com and .net names are currently already taken.
Establish a Type of Organization:
Not only will a good .NAME domain name help identify your organization online, it will also establish the niche of your business.
Improved Search Engine Rankings:
A good domain name that relates to your business or organization improves your ranking in search engines. That means that potential customers will come across your site earlier in the search process, making them more likely to engage with you.
Establish a Business Identity:
Domain names should tell people a bit about your business. Linking your business with a domain name helps establish your business' identity and industry.
Better Branding and Fewer Errors:
A good domain name should be short and easy to remember. In addition to being more memorable, short names make it easier to keep your brand's continuity across your domain name and services.